Friday, June 6, 2008

Under Attack! An Office Living in Fear...

The Newark Bears front office is under attack! There is a crazy bird perched on a electric wire above the parking garage. Reports have shown, that this possessed animal has claimed his (or her) territory since at least the 2002 season. However, in recent days the bird has become even more vicious.

Let's recap a typical attack by the crazy bird: Incidents only seem to occur when individuals are returning to their cars alone. A buzz or a loud squawk sounds, and quickly there after the bird swoops in and buzzes it's target.

Rumors of strategy are circling the office,: "if you run, it's more likely to get you." or "If you cross the street, you'll be fine."

So far, upwards of 10 Newark Bears employees and players have been affected by this bird. One can only hope his (or her) reign will come to an end shortly...


Anonymous said...

As one who was attacked numerous times last year, here's the secret: walk backwards. They won't attack if you can see them (birds are dumb). said...

Mother Mocking Bird is protecting her nest. She must have babies in that nest otherwise she wouldn't be so aggressive in protecting her territory. I'm not a mother, but I am a bird lover, so I do understand why Mother Bird behaves the way she does. Yes, she's scratched me on my way to a game this season, but I forgave her. Once the nestlings are old enough to fly on their own, Mother will chill out and move on ... until next Spring!